map catalogue
Note: archives include .info files (source and short description) but exclude non-redistributable maps and high resolution maps.


2048 x 1024 pixels (188 K)
Taken from David Pape's Earth Images. From the AVHRR Pathfinder.
pathfinder BIG
4096 x 2048 pixels (641 K)
Taken from David Pape's Earth Images. From the AVHRR Pathfinder.
living earth
1600 x 800 pixels (899 K)
"The Living Earth"
Taken from XGlobe & XPlanet Maps, which says:
These maps are Living Earth Images and are copyrighted by Living Earth, Inc.
Taken from the SSystem project at 
That site also credits the following sites:,, and
andrew sumner
2000 x 1000 pixels (769 K)
Taken from Andrew Sumner's XGlobe/XPlanet maps page.
This is his DAY MAP.
2000 x 1000 pixels (628 K)
From James Hastings-Trew's planetary pixel emporium.
1350 x 675 pixels (86 K)
TruEarth Natural Ocean Color

Copyright 1998, 1999 TerraMetrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

TerraMetrics(tm) TruEarth(tm) satellite Earth images and
3D terrain models are protected by United States federal 
copyright laws, international copyright treaties, and 
other intellectual property laws and treaties. 
Unauthorized use and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.

TerraMetrics(tm) and TruEarth(tm) are trademarks of
TerraMetrics, Inc.

You are licensed to use the included imagery and/or 3D 
terrain model datasets by the standard TerraMetrics, Inc. 
End-user License Agreement. You may not re-distribute 
this data. By using the included imagery, you agree to the 
provisions of the End-user License Agreement.

720 x 360 pixels (32 K)
Taken from Wm. Robert. Johnston's Planetary Maps. He says:
This is a preliminary attempt at a map of the Earth as it would be if the remaining ice caps melted. Sea level would be about 80 meters higher, which is depicted. Isostatic rebound would leave most of Greenland above sea level, but portions of Antarctica would be below sea level, which this map does not take into account. Vegetation changes are not represented so far. The base map is a modern map of the Earth from the Visible Earth web site.
720 x 360 pixels (29 K)
Taken from Wm. Robert. Johnston's Planetary Maps. He says:
This is a preliminary attempt at a map of the Earth during the last Ice Age (at about the last glacial maximum, 16,000 B.C.). The base map is a modern map of the Earth from the Visible Earth web site. From various sources ice caps and sea level changes are indicated; vegetation changes are only partly represented so far.
hastings-trew BIG
4000 x 2000 pixels (3362 K)
From James Hastings-Trew's planetary pixel emporium.
blue marble + ice
2048 x 1024 pixels (260 K)
Land Surface, Ocean Color, and Sea Ice
from the Blue Marble page at NASA's Earth Observatory.
blue marble
2048 x 1024 pixels (233 K)
Land Surface, Shallow Water, and Shaded Topography
from the Blue Marble page at NASA's Earth Observatory.

This page generated Sun Sep 7 15:14:06 2003