GLOBE color GLOBEcolor_fast.jpg 2048 x 1024 pixels (476 K) |
Assembled from National Geophysical Data Centre's "2 minute bathymetry/topography image selector". The topographic data is from the GLOBE project, and most of the bathymetric data is from Smith and Sandwell. (reduced to 2048 pixels horizontal resolution) |
GLOBE color BIG GLOBEcolor_slow.jpg 4096 x 2048 pixels (1542 K) |
Assembled from National Geophysical Data Centre's "2 minute bathymetry/topography image selector". The topographic data is from the GLOBE project, and most of the bathymetric data is from Smith and Sandwell. |
GLOBE purple GLOBErelief_fast.jpg 2000 x 1000 pixels (251 K) |
Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) |
GLOBE purple BIG GLOBErelief_slow.jpg 5400 x 2700 pixels (2112 K) |
Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) |
USGS map USGS.jpg 1440 x 720 pixels (282 K) |
From JPL's maps of the solar system. Data Source: unknown (topo + land/ocean?) Creator: USGS Nice topo-like map colored by land/ocean from the USGS. |
CAIDA map caida.jpg 1280 x 640 pixels (142 K) |
Taken from XGlobe & XPlanet Maps, which says: |
ocean crust age crust-age.jpg 1528 x 764 pixels (213 K) |
<image caption> |
This page generated Sun Sep 7 15:14:06 2003